There is something magical about a spring snow (when it comes occasionally and unexpectedly)....quiet, serene...peaceful. It covers up all the winter brown and blankets everything in white.
I was looking outside this morning while I was pondering an appropriate a passage from my daily bible study;
Isaiah 1:18 (New International Version) 18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.
Like the city streets that are covered in white snow, God sent Jesus to completely cover my crimson sins!!! What a beautiful picture!
No...this isn't a typo. Keadryn was here for two weeks and it was way too short! Between spending time at Kirstin's and staying here, I think that she was given some extra attention while Jordan, Drew and Sayla were in Oman and the Emirates. She was such a doll and Mark and I had so much fun! I miss her already.......
25 random things about Carla…..not in any particular order……
1.I can eat an entire big bowl of popcorn or watermelon in one sitting.
2.I love school…as a student or a teacher…always have…always will.
3.Mark and I have been best friends since we were high school chemistry lab partners in 1972.
4.I do like to clean…there is almost something therapeutic about it.Apparently, however, my kids do not share my enthusiasm for it so I will not be able to depend on them to clean my bathrooms in my old age…
5.I’m not a “girly girl”.If it weren’t for the girls in my life, I probably would be wearing old lady pouchy pants.
6.I have always loved to dance.When I was 9 years old, I was the youngest girl selected to be a go-go dancer for Sam the Sham and the Pharoah”s (big name in the 60’s…”Little Red Riding Hood”).Yup…fringe dress and white go-go boots…but never swinging around poles !!!
7.Along that same line, I want to dance in a musical someday.
8.I have watched every season of “Survivor”.I even applied to be a contender (but obviously never made the cut).
9.I have no problem eating cereal for dinner…my favorites are oatmeal with raisins and walnuts, puffed wheat with fruit, and shredded wheat with banana.
10.My favorite lip balm is Vicks.I got that from MY mother.
11.I can honestly say that I have enjoyed everywhere that I have lived!
12.I’m really good at remembering faces and places.Sometimes it freaks Mark out.I’m still working on remembering names though.
13.Ever since I was a little girl, a shower or bath + clean pajamas + clean sheets = as close to heaven on earth as it gets!
14.Mark bought me a sewing machine the first year we were married.We still laugh at the projects that I attempted.Fortunately, Jordan ridded me of the “devil machine”.
15.I cry at EVERYTHING…singing the “Star Spangled Banner” or “O’ Canada”, Hallmark commercials, chick flicks…I have embarrassed Mark and the kids more than once!
16.I love the Canadian blend of Red Rose tea.I ask anyone who is going to Canada to please bring me back a box…or two…or five….
17.I really don’t like being cold (so living in the Northwest Territories was an adventure in more ways than one).
18.The “craft gene” that our kids have….. did NOT come from me!!!BUT……
19.The “gypsy gene”… definitely did come from me!!!(seriously, my great-grandmother was a gypsy in Poland).
20.Speaking of “crafts”…some may be amused to know that I was part of a “craft group” for the three years that we lived in Taos.It took all that time for me to complete the needlepoint that secures a position of prominence in every house we have lived in since then.Obviously, I spent more time talking in “craft group” than doing the actual craft…
21.I love dirt…the colors, the smells, the feel of it.Ask my kids…. But, I don’t like too much dirt in my house!Maybe I should consider being a soil scientist for my next career…this sounds much better than just loving dirt.
22.I’m a “thrower” not a “keeper”…except for Mark…I’ll keep him as long as he will have me!
23.I would like to do “The Amazing Race” someday.
24.Mark says that I have never met a stranger.I love to talk, visit, and listen to others life stories.
25.And last, but certainly not least…I LOVE being a wife, mom and grandma!When I was in high school I never dreamed that I would say this!